4. Prepare Sales Book from the following transactions of Gurman Traders dealing in furniture Open the Ledger Accounts also: 

April 1 Sold to M/s. Gupta Furniture House, Delhi:
100 Chairs @ ₹1,500 per chair
40 Tables @ ₹2,000 per table.
Less: Trade Discount @ 5%
April 10 Sold to M/s. Ajit Singh & Sons, Kolkata:
150 Desks @ ₹1,000 per desk
160 Chairs @ ₹1,500 per chair
Less: Trade Discount @ 5%
April 15 Sold to M/s. ldeal Furniture House, Darjeeling:
10 Sofa sets @ ₹75,000 each
5 Almirahs @ ₹3,000 each
25 Round Tables @ ₹4,000 each
Less: Trade Discount @ 10%

  T.S.Grewal/2024 Edition/Practical Problems/Q-04

For full question, please refer to the text book T.S.Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping-Financial Accounting, Textbook for CBSE Class XI published by Sultan Chand & Sons Pvt. Ltd.

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