Rohit, Raman and Raina are partners in a firm. Their capital accounts on 1st April, 2019, stood at Rs. 2,00,000, Rs. 1,20,000 and Rs. 1,60,000 respectively. Each partner withdrew Rs. 15,000 during the financial year 2019-20.

As per the provisions of their partnership deed:

(a) Interest on capital was to be allowed @ 5% per annum.

(b) Interest on drawings was to be charged @ 4% per annum.

(c) Profits and losses were to be shared in the ratio 5:4:1.

The net profit of Rs. 72,000 for the year ended 31st March 2020, was divided equally amongst the partners without provi ding for the terms of the deed.

You are required to pass a single adjustment entry to rectify the error (Show workings clearly).

Marks-4, CBSE:2020-21/Sample/Q-15*


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