5. From the following information prepare trading and profit and loss account of M/s Indian sports house for the year ending March 31, 2017.

Account Title Amount ₹ Account Title Amount ₹
Drawings 20,000 Capital 2,00,000
Sundry debtors 80,000 Return outwards 2,000
Bad debts 1,000 Bank overdraft 12,000
Trade Expenses 2,400 Provision for bad debts 4,000
Printing and Stationery 2,000 Sundry creditors 60,000
Rent Rates and Taxes 5,000 Bills payable 15,400
Freight 4,000 Sales 2,76,000
Return inwards 7,000
Opening stock 25,000
Purchases 1,80,000
Furniture and Fixture 20,000
Plant and Machinery 1,00,000
Bills receivable 14,000
Wages 10,000
Cash in hand 6,000
Discount allowed 2,000
Investments 40,000
Motor car 51,000
Total 5,69,400 Total 5,69,400


  1. Closing stock was ₹45,000 .
  2. Provision for doubtful debts is to be maintained @ 2% on debtors. 
  3. Depreciation charged on: furniture and fixture @ 5%, plant and Machinery @ 6% and motor car @ 10% .
  4. A Machine of ₹30,000 was purchased on October 01, 2016.
  5. The manager is entitle to a commission of @ 10% of the net profit after charging such commission.

NCERT/Rationalised 2023-24/Numerical Questions/Q-05

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