2. Prepare a trading and profit and loss account of M/s Green Club Ltd. for the year ending March 31, 2017. from the following figures taken from his trial balance: 

Account Title Amount ₹ Account Title Amount ₹
Opening stock 35,000 Sales 2,50,000
Purchases 1,25,000 Purchase return 6,000
Return inwards 25,000 Creditors 10,000
Postage and Telegram 600 Bills payable 20,000
Salary 12,300 Discount 1,000
Wages 3,000 Provision for bad debts 4,500
Rent and Rates 1,000 Interest received 5,400
Packing and Transport 500 Capital 75,000
General expense 400
Insurance 4,000
Debtors 50,000
Cash in hand 20,000
Cash at bank 40,000
Machinery 20,000
Lighting and Heating 5,000
Discount 3,500
Bad debts 3,500
Investment 23,100
Total 3,71,900 Total 3,71,900
  1. Depreciation charged on machinery @ 5% p.a.   
  2. Further bad debts ₹1,500, discount on debtors @ 5% and make a provision on debtors @ 6%. 
  3. Wages prepaid ₹1,000.
  4. Interest on investment @ 5% p.a.
  5. Closing stock 10,000.

NCERT/Rationalised 2023-24/Numerical Questions/Q-02

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