7. Give Journal Entries to rectify the following errors:

  1. Goods purchased from Ajay for ₹2,600 were recorded in Sales Book by mistake.
  2. Goods for ₹4,400 sold to Surendra was passed through Purchase Book.
  3. A customer returned goods worth ₹1,000. It was recorded in Purchase Return Book’.
  4. A credit sale of ₹126 to Rajesh was entered in the books as ₹162.
  5. Sale of old chairs and Table for ₹700 was treated as sale of goods.
  6. Rent of proprietor’s residence, ₹800, debited to Rent A/c.

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-07

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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