6. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st January, 2017, if Cash Book of Mr. Sanjay showed a credit balance of 20,100.

(i) The bank had paid fire insurance premium of 550 which does not appear in the Cash Book.

(ii) Cheques for 25,000 issued during January, but cheques for only 18,500 were presented for payment.

(iii) Interest collected by bank 740.

(iv) Cheques of 8,700 were deposited into bank, but cheques for 7,000 were cleared till 31st January, 2017.

(v) A customer deposited 620 directly into bank without informing Mr. Sanjay.

 (Chandigarh, 2018)

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-06

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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