4. Record the following transactions in the Sales Book of M/s Ajanta Electronics, Ranchi (Jharkhand) assuming CCGST @ 9% and SGST @ 9%:

March 1 Sold to Vandna Electronics, Kolkata (West Bengal) Vide Invoice No. 125
50 Musical Alarm Clocks @ ₹800 each
40 Wall Clocks @ ₹500 each
Trade Discount 20%
10 Sold to Mohan Watch Company, Patna (Bihar) Vide Invoice No. 1256:
25 Deluxe Wall Clocks @ ₹800 each
Trade Discount 10%
15 Sold to Superior Watch Company, Ranchi Vide Invoice No. 1257:
75 Deluxe Wall Clocks @ ₹800 each
40 Super Deluxe Wall Clocks @ ₹1,000 each
Trade Discount 15%
20 Sold to Modern Electronics, Ranchi Vide Cash Memo No. 5234:
100 Musical Alarm Clocks @ ₹800 each
Trade Discount 20%

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-04

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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