8. (A) Enter the following particulars in the Cash Book with Cash and Bank

April 1 Balance of cash in hand ₹2,000 and at Bank ₹12,000.
3 Received cash from Madhav ₹1,800.
5 Cash Sales ₹1,000
6 Purchases by cheque ₹745.
9 Paid into Bank ₹1,850.
10 Paid cash for freight ₹54.
12 Drew from Bank for office use ₹600.
13 Issued a cheque in favour of M/s Arun & Sons for ₹985
16 Paid into Bank ₹715.
17 Drew Cash for his son's birthday party ₹175.
19 Received a cheque from Navin for ₹380 and deposited it into bank on the same day
20 Cash Sales ₹209.
25 Drew from Bank for office use ₹200.
26 Purchased furniture for ₹1,000 and payment made by cheque.
27 Navin's cheque dishonoured, Bank charges ₹5.
29 Purchased business premises, payment made by cheque ₹12,000.
30 Received cheque for ₹675 from Harish.

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-08(A)

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

8. (B) Enter the following transactions in the Cash Book with Cash and Bank

June 1 Cash in hand 800
Bank Overdraft 5,700
7 Received a cheque from Bharti 3,250
9 Deposited the above cheque into bank
12 Paid to Bhavana by cheque 2,425
15 Bharti's cheque returned dishonoured
20 Withdrew from Bank for office use 250
25 Cheque received from Panna Lal and endorsed it in favour of Kamal on 28th June 1,200
30 Income Tax paid by cheque 150
30 Bank charges 25

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-08(B)

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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