6. Write up Cash Book of Bhanu Partap with Cash and Bank Columns from the following transactions: 

March 1 Cash-in-hand 2,710
Cash at Bank 27,500
3 Received from Subhash 3.500
4 Sold goods for cash 10,000
7 Paid Rent by Cheque 800
8 Paid Sohan by cheque 3,000
10 Bought goods for cash 15,000
12 Paid cash for stationery 200
Drew from Bank for office use 8,000
Received cheque from Surendra and sent it to Bank 6.600
16 Paid for advertisement 750
18 Issued cheque in favour of Nath Brothers 4,300
19 Cash Sales 13,000
Paid into Bank 16,000
20 Received cheque from Vinod and sent it to Bank 2.400
22 Bought Scooter and paid for the same by cheque 18,000
25 Bank retuned Surendra's cheque dishonoured
28 Paid salary by cheque 7,200
Paid Trade expenses 2,000
29 Cash sales 9,500
30 Paid into Bank 10,000

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-06

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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