28. Enter the following transactions in the petty cash book with appropriate analysis columns
2023 | ₹ | |
Feb. 1 | Received from cashier ₹9,250, the amount required to make up the amount of the imprest' viz., | 10,000 |
Feb. 3 | Chowkidar's Wages | 500 |
Pencils, Pens etc. | 250 | |
Feb. 5 | Bus fare to workmen sent to customer's premises | 600 |
Feb. 7 | Paid for wages | 200 |
Feb. 10 | Postage | 800 |
Feb. 12 | Three Wheeler's charges for manager's trip to the city | I00 |
Feb. 12 | Wages to casual labourer | 850 |
Feb. 14 | Repair of furniture | 300 |
Feb. 14 | Repair of scooter | 400 |
Feb. 18 | Taxi fare to assistant manager | 750 |
Feb. 20 | Refreshment to Customers | 450 |
Feb. 22 | Paid for cartage | 1,500 |
Feb. 25 | Locks purchased | 1.200 |
Feb. 25 | Conveyance | 250 |
Feb. 26 | Paid for writing pads and registers | 900 |
Feb. 28 | Courier Charges | 550 |
D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-28
For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company