28. Enter the following transactions in the petty cash book with appropriate analysis columns

Feb. 1 Received from cashier ₹9,250, the amount required to make up the amount of the imprest' viz., 10,000
Feb. 3 Chowkidar's Wages 500
Pencils, Pens etc. 250
Feb. 5 Bus fare to workmen sent to customer's premises 600
Feb. 7 Paid for wages 200
Feb. 10 Postage 800
Feb. 12 Three Wheeler's charges for manager's trip to the city I00
Feb. 12 Wages to casual labourer 850
Feb. 14 Repair of furniture 300
Feb. 14 Repair of scooter 400
Feb. 18 Taxi fare to assistant manager 750
Feb. 20 Refreshment to Customers 450
Feb. 22 Paid for cartage 1,500
Feb. 25 Locks purchased 1.200
Feb. 25 Conveyance 250
Feb. 26 Paid for writing pads and registers 900
Feb. 28 Courier Charges 550

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-28

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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