24. Mr. Chaturvedi maintains two bank accounts. Prepare his columnar cash book from the following particulars :

May 1 Cash in hand 34,000
Balance with Hongkong Bank 75,200
Balance with Citi Bank 1,20,000
May 3 Cash drawn from Citi Bank for office use 25,000
May 8 Sold goods to Diwedi for ₹80,000 and received from him ₹20,000 in cash and a cheque for the balance. The cheque is deposited in Hongkong Bank on 9th and the bank credited the amount on 15th and debited ₹725 as its collection charges.
May 12 Purchased goods for ₹40,000 at 20% trade discount. 25% of the amount is paid in cash and issued a cheque on Citi Bank for the balance amount.
May 20 Paid Wages ₹36,000 and Salary ₹4,000.
May 22 A cheque for ₹50,000 is drawn on Citi Bank and it is deposited in Hongkong Bank.
May 23 Purchased land for ₹3,20,000 and a cheque is issued on Hongkong Bank.
May 24 A cheque for ₹10,000 which was received from Mohan and was deposited in Citi Bank on 25th April is dishonoured and the bank debited ₹100 as bank charges on this cheque. The amount of dishonoured cheque and bank charges is received from Mohan in cash on 25th.
May 26 Deposited cash ₹30,000 in Hongkong Bank.
May 28 Sold old typewriter for ₹2,000 and old newspapers for ₹200 in cash.
May 30 Interest charged by Hongkong Bank ₹400.
May 31 Bank charges by Citi Bank ₹180 and Hongkong Bank ₹340.

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-24

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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