Following is the Balance Sheet of Mevanca Limited as at 31st March, 2017

Mevanca Ltd.

Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2017

Particulars Note No. 31.3.2017
1. Shareholder’s Fund:
a. Share Capital 3,00,000 1,00,000
b. Reserve and Surplus 1 25,000 1,20,000
2. Non-Current Liabilities:
Long Term Borrowing 2 80,000 60,000
3. Current Liabilities:
a. Trade Payables 6,000 20,000
b. Short term Provisions 3 68,000 70,000
TOTAL 4,79,000 3,70,000
1. Non-Current Assets:
a. Fixed Assets: 4 3,36,000 1,92,000
b. Non-current Investments
2. Current Assets:
a. Inventory 67,000 60,000
b. Trade Receivable 51,000 65,000
c. Cash and Cash Equivalents 25,000 49,000
d. Other Current Assets - 4,000
TOTAL 4,79,000 3,70,000

Notes to Accounts

Note Number Particulars 31.3.2017
1 Reserves and Surplus
Surplus (Balance in Statement of Profit & Loss) 25,000 1,20,000
2 Long Term Borrowings
10% Long Term Loan 80,000 60,000
3 Short-term Provisions
Provision for Tax 68,000 70,000
4 Tangible Assets:
Machinery 3,84,000 2,15,000
Accumulated depreciation (48,000) (23,000)
Total 3,36,000 1,92,000

Additional Information:

(i) Additional loan was taken on 1st July, 2016.

(ii) Tax of Rs.   53,000 was paid during the year.

Prepare Cash Flow Statement.

Marks-6, CBSE:2017-18/Comp/Q-23

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